Success Stories

ERP solution for a smaller auto parts manufacturing company? Why not? When a solution such as Microsoft Dynamics 365 can be customized and paired down to the needs of smaller manufacturing companies , the costs are significantly lowered, but the needs of the company are met for pairing down the costs, eliminating inefficiencies and deriving income by keeping the supply chain moving. See what we can do...
The Craniofacial Surgery Center at the University of Illinois in Chicago is both a pioneer and in the forefront of medicine when it comes to facial reconstructive surgery. They specialize in providing care to children. They are also a leader in developing the next level of clinical and surgical technologies. We are proud to partner with them and ImmersiveTouch in delivering the next level surgical simulation, plus patient and resident training using the latest in virtual reality and augmented reality software and hardware. The system allows for seamless storage, indexing and integration of 3D scans, x-rays and photos of the patient to allow the surgeons to view and simulate the surgery using VR and AR technology and showing the results with the patient before embarking on the actual surgery. 
Technology in Medicine
When the ministry of health in a country grappling with an endemic disease sought to get a handle on the massive amount of data they were collecting through their medical delivery sites, they engaged us to develop a BI model to help the country in their research in isolating issues, anticipating needs and delivering all detailed aspects of healthcare to the regions of the country. See what we can do in medicine...
We have helped dozens of clients across many industries to streamline their contacts and relationships into CRM solutions that allows for multi-channel campaign management across many social media platforms. We have partnered with many large and small CRM providers over the years to help clients drive leads to opportunities to actual sales. Learn about the value of CRM in your industry...
Artificial Intelligence
We were asked to provide a proof of concept to one of the largest retailers in the country to help them understand and predict their store customer’s needs based on their shopping patterns. The system combined AI technology to analyze the live store camera feed to help them understand how customers are browsing the aisle, the effectiveness of in-store advertising displays and ultimately what drives sales. See the possibilities in manufacturing and retail ...
Non-profit companies always face dual daunting challenge: Trying to deliver more and more services to the society while increasingly unsure of where and when their funding will come. We recognize that and have developed specific lower cost technologies to help them deliver their message and their services. We have a range of products from content managed websites, to ecommerce solutions for event registration system and fundraising to free CRM solutions that lets non-profits stay in touch with their constituents and funders. Read about our solutions for non-profits...
221 N LaSalle St. 

STE 1322

Chicago, IL 60601

Phone: (312) 224-8536

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