Industries Served

We have long standing clients in the manufacturing, medical, legal, education, governmental, media, nonprofit and accounting along with other professional services industries. This is a short list of a broader clientele that include insurance, banking and non-profit.
• Manufacturing
• Medical
• Retail
• Professional Services
• Governmental
• Non-Profit


Manufacturing companies large and small are always looking to maximize their resources to develop a better product, help with supply chain and shorten the distance between their product and getting it to the client’s hands. Talk to us about ERP solutions, CRM solutions plus integration of BI, AI and AR solutions to help you achieve your goals. We have long standing clients in the following fields:

• Heavy Machinery
• Automotive Supply
• Construction
• Tools Manufacturing
Technology in Medicine


Hospitals and medical centers face the double-edged blade of rising costs and limitations brought about by Covid-19. Telemedicine, Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) solutions are here to help with the patient interaction and healthcare delivery. Look for more details in our Success Stories.

Technology in Retail


Retail industry is just now beginning to see the benefits of Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications to cut costs, cater to the needs of the client whether they walk into a store or do online shopping. Look for more details in our Success Stories.

Professional Services

Professional Services

We have a long history of working with large and small firms in the following fields:

• Legal
• Accounting
• Consulting
• Insurance and Investment



We have consulting and software delivery relationship with governmental organizations in many countries. These organizations include health, judicial, utilities and telecom ministries.

Non Profit


We love to work with non-profit organizations where we see their work bringing so much value to the society. We have helped non-profit in promoting their message, fund raising, and event registration with CRM, portals and e-commerce solutions.

221 N LaSalle St. 

STE 1322

Chicago, IL 60601

Phone: (312) 224-8536

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