Microsoft is expanding the Dynamics 365 Nonprofit Accelerator data model in the areas of assessment management and frontline humanitarian logistics.
Microsoft is expanding the Dynamics 365 Nonprofit Accelerator data model in the areas of assessment management and frontline humanitarian logistics.
About Jason Gumpert As the editor of, Jason oversees all editorial content on the site and at our events, as well as providing site management and strategy. He can be reached at Prior to co-founding, Jason was a Principal Software Consultant at Parametric Technology Corporation (PTC), where he implemented solutions, trained customers, managed […]
Power BI pros discuss partition configurations, Dynamics M parameters and DirectQuery. Changing partition configurations Gilbert Quevalliers, writing on Four Moo, examined how to change partition configurations for stored Power BI data. Users can actually reset configurations to be stored monthly, yearly, quarterly, or daily. When data is partitioned for one month, a query gets executed […]
With many retailers extending online holiday sales, consumers are taking advantage of the ease of shopping from home. Online shopping can also enable more impulse buying, which in turn increases the likelihood of returns and cancelations and can open the door to abuse and fraud. Merchants need the right tools and controls to help reduce […]
With many retailers extending online holiday sales, consumers are taking advantage of the ease of shopping from home. Online shopping can also enable more impulse buying, which in turn increases the likelihood of returns and cancelations – and can open the door to abuse and fraud. Merchants need the right tools and controls to help […]
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If you're responsible for the smooth operation of warehouse operations across your organization, you know that managing inventory, machines, people, and resources efficiently while meeting tight delivery deadlines means that you need to have resilience in your supply chain. To help companies like yours execute mission-critical manufacturing and distribution processes without interruptions, we recently announced […]
If you’re responsible for the smooth operation of warehouse operations across your organization, you know that managing inventory, machines, people, and resources efficiently while meeting tight delivery deadlines means that you need to have resilience in your supply chain. To help companies like yours execute mission-critical manufacturing and distribution processes without interruptions, we recently announced a preview for cloud and edge scale unit add-ins for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain management. […]
Markets have responded favorably in recent weeks to news of new Covid-19 vaccines nearing and getting regulatory approval by US and European regulators. Dr. David Rhew, chief medical officer and VP Healthcare for Microsoft shared how Microsoft has worked with partners and customers on a range of pandemic-related solutions over the last ten months, and now vaccine […]
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In this week's Microsoft Dynamics partner news roundup:
With the global disruption of the pandemic, healthcare organizations are particularly challenged to promote telehealth services and engage patients and providers while adhering to strict compliance and security regulations. Marketing automation and customer data platform (CDP) tools such as Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Insights are expanding the ways in which […]